Join Us

We’re always happy to welcome new members. Feel free to come along to one of our meetings and get to know us. Drop us a mail at if you have any questions!

Group 1312 is a truly international group. Our working language is English, but you certainly don’t have to speak perfect English – or (any) German – to join us! Some of our members are native speakers of English, some are Germans who are interested in working in an international group, and some come from other parts of the world entirely!

You can become involved in our work in various ways: as a member of one of our subgroups, by planning and running information stands and fundraising events, collecting signatures, writing and sending letters of appeal or, for example, working on the website. No matter how much time you have and when you are available, there will always be something you can do.

Group Meetings

When do we meet?

We meet at 7.30 pm every 2nd Monday of the month.

The next meeting is:

Where do we meet?

Our meetings take place in the Amnesty international local office (2nd Hinterhof, 3rd floor), Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Greifswalder Strasse 4, 10405 Berlin.

Urgent Actions

Another opportunity to work with Amnesty to protect humans rights is supporting any of the following urgent actions.

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1 Februar 2025