
Your Support Saves Lives

“I was in prison for 13 years and on death row for two years. I didn’t know whether or not I would die. […] It was like a dark long tunnel that had no end. Sometimes it was exhausting and sometimes lonely, but Amnesty’s work consoled and encouraged me. I know that Amnesty saved my life.”

-Kim Song-Man, former political prisoner from South Korea


“It was a great protection that Amnesty made my case public. I am convinced this was the reason why I was not mistreated in prison.”

-Armando Valladares, freed political prisoner from Cuba

As an independent, non-commercial organisation, Amnesty International depends on the financial support of individuals. The money Amnesty raises is used to research reports of human rights abuses, to coordinate responses to them, and to raise public awareness of human rights issues.

You can support the work of our group directly by making an online donation, joining Amnesty International, or becoming a “friend”/Förderer. You will receive the bimonthly Amnesty Journal for free if you donate at least €60 per year to support Amnesty’s work. All donations are tax-deductible.

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  • Beitrag: mindestens 84,00 Euro im Jahr
  • Leistungen: steuerlich absetzbare Spendenbescheinigung, Digital- oder Printausgabe des Amnesty Journals
  • Jetzt regelmäßig spenden
14 Januar 2019